Пентти Саммаллахти родился в Финляндии в 1950 году. Фотографировать начал уже в 11 лет. Его работы сделаны в разных уголках земли: от Соловков до Индии. О каком бы жанре или стране не шла речь, главные герои фотографий Пентти Самаллахти - животные.
Pentti Sammallahti was born in 1950 in Finland. He began photographing at 11 years. He has photos from all over the world: from Solovki to India. Genre or country does not matter but the main characters of his photographs are always animals.
Pentti Sammallahti was born in 1950 in Finland. He began photographing at 11 years. He has photos from all over the world: from Solovki to India. Genre or country does not matter but the main characters of his photographs are always animals.