Молодые московские архитекторы из архполя создают прекрасную минималистичную мебель и аксессуары. В основе всего - дерево. Ребята много экспериментируют с поверхностями. Вдохновение черпают из естественной структуры дерева. Простота, чистота линий, живая текстура дерева - константы их творчества.
Young Moscow-based architects from "archpole" create minimalistic furniture and accessories. At the heart of all is wood. Guys experiment a lot with surfaces. Inspiration comes from natural structure of wood. Simplicity, line smoothness, texture of wood - these are constants of their creative works.
Young Moscow-based architects from "archpole" create minimalistic furniture and accessories. At the heart of all is wood. Guys experiment a lot with surfaces. Inspiration comes from natural structure of wood. Simplicity, line smoothness, texture of wood - these are constants of their creative works.