Дышать туманным, теплым воздухом. Дышать весной.
one chair > tak euy sung
О том, каким должен быть идеальный стул можно размышлять бесконечно. На этот счет есть множество мнений. Сегодняшнее мнение - от молодого корейского дизайнера Tak Euy sung.
One can think endlessly about what an ideal chair should look like. There's too much opinions. Today you'll see point of view of Tak Euy Sung, a young korean designer.
Tak Euy sung design
One can think endlessly about what an ideal chair should look like. There's too much opinions. Today you'll see point of view of Tak Euy Sung, a young korean designer.
Tak Euy sung design
one illustrator > baishev bulat
Сегодня графика молодого московского архитектора - Булата Баишева. Собственно, графика - это то, чем мы восхищаемся в работах Булата. Работы очень мужские. При этом, не можем оставить в стороне и его городские наброски.
Today we show you graphic works of Bulat Baishev, a young architect from Moscow. The graphics itself is the thing that we admire in his works. Thay are very manly. Moreover, we just can't hide his city sketches.
Today we show you graphic works of Bulat Baishev, a young architect from Moscow. The graphics itself is the thing that we admire in his works. Thay are very manly. Moreover, we just can't hide his city sketches.
one photographer > masha kushnir
Давно мы не показывали местных молодых фотографов. Сегодня работы Маши Кушнир. Есть в них что-то неуловимое. Легкое настроение красоты.
It's been a while since we last showed you some young photographers. Today it's about Masha Kushnir works. They have something difficult to catch, the lightness of the beautiful mood, random details..
Masha Kushnir
It's been a while since we last showed you some young photographers. Today it's about Masha Kushnir works. They have something difficult to catch, the lightness of the beautiful mood, random details..
Masha Kushnir
one artist > curtis killorn
Curtis Killorn - художник из Колорадо. Кто как не он ценит и чувствует красоту деревьев, ведь часть Колорадо представляет собой большую полупустыню и с зеленью здесь дефицит. Большинство из нас даже не обращает внимание на мертвые деревья, высохшие, голые уродцы, продолжающие торчать из земли. Для нас деревья, потеряв красоту - умирают. Но не для Кертиса. Чтобы привлечь внимание большинства и вдохнуть в мертвые деревья новую жизнь, а точнее форму жизни, он стал разукрашивать отжившие свой срок деревья в яркие психоделические цвета.
Curtis Killorn is an artist from Colorado. Who else but him can appreciate and feel the tree beauty, because part of Colorado is a vast semidesert and the greenery is quite rare there. Most of us don't pay any attention to dead trees, dried-up naked ugly ones that keep sticking up from the ground. For us trees that have lost their beauty are dead, but no for Curtis. To breathe some life or some new lifeform into dead tree trunks, he began painting them with vivid psychedelic colours.
Curtis Killorn
Curtis Killorn is an artist from Colorado. Who else but him can appreciate and feel the tree beauty, because part of Colorado is a vast semidesert and the greenery is quite rare there. Most of us don't pay any attention to dead trees, dried-up naked ugly ones that keep sticking up from the ground. For us trees that have lost their beauty are dead, but no for Curtis. To breathe some life or some new lifeform into dead tree trunks, he began painting them with vivid psychedelic colours.
Curtis Killorn
one house > living on the edge
Сегодняшний дом облицован соломой. Выбор материала исторически обусловлен расположением дома: это тихий голландский пригород, место встречи города и села. Вот такая отделка - это очень важная связь времен, сохранение традиций места. Можно спорить о рациональности такого выбора. Но не сомневаемся, что дом построен грамотно и такие соломенные фасады будут хороши в эксплуатации. Вековые традиции плюс самое важное слово - Технология.
Today's house is coated with thatch. The choice of material is historically reasoned by a house's location: it's a quiet dutch suburbs, place where city meets countryside. Such coating is an important link between different ages, a way to keep the traditions of the place. The choice might be debatable, but there's no doubt that it's well built and these thatch facades will be good in maintenance. Centuries-old traditions added to a very important word: Technology.
Arjen Reas
Today's house is coated with thatch. The choice of material is historically reasoned by a house's location: it's a quiet dutch suburbs, place where city meets countryside. Such coating is an important link between different ages, a way to keep the traditions of the place. The choice might be debatable, but there's no doubt that it's well built and these thatch facades will be good in maintenance. Centuries-old traditions added to a very important word: Technology.
Arjen Reas
one sunday playlist > issue 9
Весна набирает обороты. И мы поддерживаем её позитивный настрой на воскресной фанковой волне с плэйлистом от нашего замечательного муз редактора Андрея Переслегина.
Spring is gaining in strength. Let's support its positive mood with funky sunday playlist arranged by our splendid muscical editor Andrey Peresleguin.
Spring is gaining in strength. Let's support its positive mood with funky sunday playlist arranged by our splendid muscical editor Andrey Peresleguin.